Saturday, January 16, 2010

Free Groceries? Not in Missy's Coupon Land (where all your coupon dreams come true)

First, I have to give credit to my friend Vanessa for coming up with the phrase "Only in Missy's Coupon Land, where ALL your coupon dreams come true".  Thanks Sessie!! 

I got overage today at Lowes Foods to the tune of .76.  I was shocked.  I thought they "fixed" their system and it would not allow this, but it happened today.

I DID, however, expect to have a zero total.  I purchased 4 bags of the Quaker mini rice cakes, 4 boxes of the Keebler Right Bites and 1 bag of the No-Yolk Egg Noodles.  Here's the breakout below:
4 Quaker mini rice cakes = 1.00 x 4 = 4.00
4 Keebler right bites = 3.29 x 4 = 13.16
1 bag No-Yolk Egg Noodles = 2.15
Subtotal:  $19.31
4 Quaker qs for .75 doubled = -6.00
4  Keebler mfg qs for .75 doubled = -6.00
LF 3 week 1.49 q for the Keebler = - 7.20
1 No-Yolks mfg q for .75 doubled = -1.50
1 Insta-Save q for .75  for the No-Yolks= -.75
Subtotal: $-2.14
This was not my total.  My total was -.76.  The system "auto" adjusted some of the the qs.  That's why I'm a little puzzled.  I quickly grabbed a gift card AND gave the cashier my $5 Fresh Rewards that I previously earned, so technically, I received $5.76 overage. I paid $4.24 for a $10 giftcard.

Yipee, Yippee, Yippee!!!   and, for the cherry on the sundae, we actually eat these snacks - what ??? "buy" something that you will actually use!?!?! What a novel concept!!!

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