I had a great trip this morning.
$6 did not come off from the General Mills deal, but my BFF cashier took care of it. According to afullcup.com, it's not coming off for anyone. However, the $4 DID come off for the Pillsbury deal.
I won't go into the nitty gritty, but I had a savings of: 94%
As mentioned in this post, my goal is to get the free items that I think will be out of stock later in the week and I did just that.
Good luck to you all!! Feel free to leave a comment and let everyone know your totals!
2 hours ago
So excited! I'm a newbie and this was my first super doubles ever! I got $61.27 in groceries for $7.67. Yea! I think I'm going back tomorrow. Thanks for your matchups and help.
That is fantastic!!!! Way to go!!!
I didn't do as well as Kim on day 1, mainly because I bought some things that weren't freebies/cheapies because we needed them (milk, jelly) or wanted them (diet pepsi, oreos lol). I got $115.04 in merch for $28.36. I expect to do better when I go today. And tomorrow. And the next day...
Hey, I wanted to share this - tonight when I was doing the BOGO Philly cooking cream e-vic w/my printables, I noticed a $19.09 cookbook there that was free wyb 4 Philly products. So not only did I get the cooking cream free but I got a cookbook to boot, lol.
I actually had the $6 come off both times...no problems at all =)
I didn't see the Wishbone dressing on your list. But they have it 2/$4 which matches up with a $1/1 q that was in the Unilever coupons a few weeks ago. The HT at cloverdale was almost out, but I got a couple balsamic vinaigrettes for free!
Thanks for all of the great post. You guys are doing FANTASTIC!!!!
HT's on Robinhood has a basket of "specials." I picked up Bengay for $0.21 cents! Specials + super doubles = a happy shopper!
How often does HT have super doubles?
How often does HT have super doubles?
SD happen about once ever 4-6 weeks.
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