Did you know that Food Lion has a "Savings Center Kiosk", where you scan your card and get coupons? Usually, it's in the front of the store, near the entrance. Jenny, from southernsavers.com is reporting that you can scan your card and get a $5 off $25 purchase coupon.
Three Day Sale Friday – Sunday, May 6-8 (there are limits - check the sales flyer)
Kellogg’s Pop Tarts, 8 ct., $1.50
Ken’s Salad Dressing, 16 oz, .99
Use the $1 coupon from the 5/08 SS (not confirmed)
Hunt’s Manwich, 15.5 oz, .79
Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna, 5 oz, .33 (great donation item!!!)
Food Lion Mustard, 9 oz, .50
Weekly Sale:
Green Bell Peppers, .69 ea
Hunt’s Snack Pack Puddings, 14 oz, $1.00
Campbell’s Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup, 10.75 oz, .59
Lay's Potato Chips BOGO at $1.99 ea
Use the $1 coupon from the PepsiCo Moments to Save (if the Lay's Kettle Cooked are included in the sale
= .99
AND get two Sierra Mist Natural and use the B1G1 coupon Sierra Mist Natural WYB SunChips or Lay's from the 5/1 Moments to Save
Smart Option Napkins, 120 ct., .99
FL Whipped Topping, .89

HT Fresh Split Chicken Breast, .97 lb
(This is not a stockpile price, but a pretty good "need it now" price)
Werther’s Candy, $1.50
Purchase the Werther's Chocolates and use the .75 coupon from the 3/13 SS
Pictsweet Deluxe Sides, $1.00
Use the .75/2 from the 2/13 SS
= .25 ea

Strawberries, 1 lb, BOGO at $1.99 ea
Fresh Express Shreds, $1.50 Cantaloupes, $2.00 ea
Ataulfo Mangoes .60 ea
Boneless Chuck Roast, $2.99 lb
Boneless Chicken Breast, $1.99 lb
Southern Style Ribs $1.79 lb
Fresh Rewards e-Offers (go to lowesfoods.com for more info)
Scott Paper Towels, 6 rolls, $3.99, Limit 2
Use the $1 coupon from the 4/03 SS
= $2.99
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