5 hours ago
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Who dreams about Dove Soap for Men?
Apparently, I do. I will admit that I have had some strange dreams, but frankly, as a couponer, it's not that strange for me to dream about soap - or coupon trips, or stockpiles......I could go on.
Even though I don't regularly do the matchups for the grocery stores and drug store, I still coupon and shop the sales. When I miss a deal, my best coupon friend does them for me. We are a coupon tag team, if you will.
Every Monday/Tuesday afternoon, I check my favorite websites to make sure that I am not missing a last minute deal at one of the grocery stores before the new sale starts on Wednesday. A lot of times, the best sales rear their ugly head and I am scrambling to find that coupon or "borrow" one from my best coupon friend. Also, I have recognized (and accepted) that I get a HUGE thrill from doing a coupon deal on the last day. It's sort of like I am back to the honeymoon stage of couponing.
That was a long story - back to why I dreamed about Dove Soap for Men. Sometimes, a good deal is a good deal. Free is a good deal, or saving 98% is a good deal, but a moneymaker is a GREAT deal. A $3.75 moneymaker is a fantastic deal (in my book, anything over a $1.00 moneymaker is a great deal).
Currently, there is a E-Coupon for $3.75 off a 6 pack of the Dove Men Car Body and Face Bar. Last week, it was regular price at Harris Teeter - $7.99. We also have a $4.00 mfg. coupon = Good Deal. It was on a lot of the coupon websites - BUT, since I did my "homework" I realized that it was going to be on sale starting Wednesday, so I waited.
THIS week, they are on sale (clearanced out) for $3.99. Take into account the above-mentioned E-Coupon and mfg. coupon = FANTASTIC DEAL (choir of angels). Knowing that the stock would be depleated quickly, I stopped in on my way to work. I had SEVERAL coupons and wanted to get them all, but since I am not a shelf-clearer, I only got two. The bad news is that since they are clearanced out, the chances of them restocking are slim to none.
The end result:
2 packs of the Dove Men Car Body and Face Bar
1 bag of Rold Gold Pretzels (the husband's favorite)
1 Yoplait yogurt to cover the difference - no coupon, living on the wild side!
Total after $3.75 E-Coupon and 2 $4.00 coupons: .85
Looking back, I didn't have to get the yogurt, but I did not want to get to the register and be in the neagitve - plus - it was a treat from me to me. Yogurt is a treat??? Yes, when it's the regular kind, not the fat free!
Friday, January 18, 2013
And the winners are.......
Please email me with your full name and address.
Even if you didn't win, check out Borax's drawing for money and other goodies at the Borax Facebook page.
The winners of my drawing will receive a coupon good for a free box of Borax, as well as an additional gift from me. I will choose goodies from the stockroom to share....there is no telling what you will get!
Congrats to the winners!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Don't forget to enter the Borax giveaway!
The drawing will be held at noon on Friday, January 18.
Don't forget to enter!
Check out all of the details here:
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Have you heard about it? Before you continue reading, please know that you must have a smartphone to participate.
I pride myself on being "in the know"....whether it's the newest car (I saw the new Corvette on the road this weekend and it was FABULOUS), newest food/health craze and newest apps; especially when they are free or involve saving extra money.
Ibotta has been out a while, but I thought I would share some of the details for you. If you are a rebate person, you will be really interested in this. It is similiar, but electronic and much easier.
First of all, you need to download the app: Ibotta
- Before going shopping, select your offers from Ibotta.
- Go Shopping.....purchase your chosen products at any of the major retailers that Ibotta supports (see below).
- Take a photo of your receipt. They verify your purchases and credit your account right away.
- Get your cash loaded onto your PayPal account or donated to any school in America.
You can increase the amount of your offer by doing simple activities like taking a poll, liking the company on Facebook or reading a recipe.
Like Savingstar.com discounts, the money does not come off at the register. It is deposited into your Paypal account. You will need a Paypal account to get the money. If you prefer, you can also donate the money to a school of your choice.
The best part is that you can use the ibotta savings in conjunction with manufacturers coupons and savingstar.com e-coupons.
Have fun saving money!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Borax ..... a 20 Mule Team, to be exact
When I say Borax, what do YOU think of?
I think of a product that my Grandmother may have used. As a kid/teen/young adult, it seems that we don't appreciate the ways of our elders, but on the flip side - didn't you always enjoy going to Grandma's house? Think about it. Things at Grandma's house were always great...... playing in the yard, hand games, the food (especially the food), the smell of the sheets and home-made quilts that covered you as you and your cousins slept in the living room having the BEST sleepover of your life!
As an adult with a family, I look back on those times with fondness. I strive to live more simply and use simpler products, especially those that work well....just like Grandma did.
This is where Borax comes in. As a Purex Insider, I am able to participate in reviewing products and hosting giveaways. They have sent me three free product coupons to share with you. It's GIVEAWAY TIME x 3!!! But first let me share with you a few details about Borax.....
20 Mule Team Borax is 100% natural mineral from the earth. Once removed from the ground it is washed, dried and boxed for consumers. Absolutely nothing is added. No phosphates, chlorine, or other additive chemicals. 20 Mule Team Borax naturally softens hard water, which protects your detergent so it can maximize cleaning power. It's also very inexpensive....around $3.50 per box.
How do you enter the giveaway?
- Leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite food was that your Grandma used to make.
- Visit Borax's Facebook page, leave a comment there, and also leave me a comment letting me know you have done so.
- Leave a comment on your Facebook page sharing this giveaway and leave me a comment letting me know you have done so.
- Pin this post to Pinterest and leave me a comment letting me know you have done so.
Three winners will be chosen on Friday, January 18 at noon. Good luck every!!!
Borax provided a free sample of their product so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are on my own.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Super Doubles at Harris Teeter - January 2 - 8, 2013
Don't get crazy excited on me....I have not done the matchups - BUT - I wanted to direct you to the blogs that have done them for us.
Moola Savings Mom
Coupon Keri
Loudoun County Limbo
Southern Savers
A Full Cup
Leave a comment and let me know what exciting things you are getting this week!
Good Luck everyon!!!!
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