5 lb Russet Potates, BOGO at $1.48 ea
Holly Farms whole fryers, .57 lb.
Stockpile price!!!
93% ground beef, value pack, $2.99/lb
Thanks goes to "Simply Complicated" for this:
There is a $3 off $8 meat dept. FLIP on FL's Facebook page that would go great with these sales. Make sure to either print as many as you want (pdf) or save it to your computer. Remember, you can only use one "like" FLIP per transaction. One more thing....it has been a long time since they have had any good flips, but previously, the $8 threshold that you had to meet was pre-sale price. Not sure how it is today, but may be worth a try.
Best Life Spread, $1.00
Use the $1.00 coupon from the 1/30 SS (expires 3/31)
OR use the $1.00 coupon from the 2/27 SS

There are alot of items that are BOGO this week. The prices that are listed below are the amount that you will pay......don't get crazy on me and think that it's HALF of the price listed. Super Doubles are OVER - at least for another month or so.
E-VIC Special:
Bertolli Pasta Sauce $1.27, limit 1 (non E-VIC price 2/$3)
Buy 1, Get 2 Free:
HT Small Pack Fresh Boneless Chicken, limit 6 total
(Items ring up 1/3 price)
Mangoes, .59 ea
Dole Gold Pineapple $2.49
Large Cantaloupe $1.49
Thomas English Muffins, 6 ct. $1.84
Maine Blue Mussels, 3 lb. $3.99
North Atlantic Rock Crab, $2.99/lb
NY Texas Toast Croutons $1.09
Use the .50 coupon from the 1/30 SS
= .09
Tabasco Sauce, $1.25
Use the .50 printable, Link: Tab
Duncan Hines Brownies $1.00
Use the .50 printable, Link: DH
Planters Cashew Halves & Pieces or Planters Mixed Nuts (9.25-11 oz) $2.49
Smart Balance Popcorn, $1.62
Use the .75 coupon from the 3/6 SS
= .12
Glass Plus Cleaner $1.44
Use the $1 printable, Link: GP
= .44
Purex Detergent, 50 oz. $2.99
Use the $1 coupon from the 2/20 RP
= $1.99
(this is not a stockpile price, but simply a "if you need it now" price. $1.25 is my max for detergent)
Oscar Mayer Basic Lunchables $1.00
HT Shredded Cheese $1.34
Pepperidge Farm 3 Layer Cake $2.32
Use the .55 coupon from the 2/27 SS
= $1.22
Palermo's Pizza $3.74
Use the $1 printable, Link: Pal
= $2.74
3 Day Sale, Friday - Sunday, April 1-3:
Crest Toothpaste, .99
Use the .50 coupon from the 3/13 RP
Regular Sale:
Boneless Bottom Round Roast, $2.49/lb
Cottonelle, 4 pack, $2.99
Use the .50 printable, Link: Cot
= $1.99