48 minutes ago
Monday, June 24, 2013
Pin There, Done That - Beach Tent
.....ah yes. If I could only get paid to surf Pinterest - I would do it in a heartbeat.
It's one of those time-consuming tasks...... I'm really tired when I close it down, I spent so much time looking at Pinterest that I don't have time to cook the delicious meals that I've pinned, I could go on and on.
I have made several meals using recipes that I pinned, as well as done several projects.
Here's one that I am especially proud of. We felt the need to have some shade at the beach during the summer. I saw a post on Pinterest that I fell in love with. (No average Joe beach umbrella for me!)
As I did some spring yard sailing (I try not to go much because I find fantastic deals that I don't have space for) I found fabric that was perfect for this project. An interior decorator was getting rid of stuff and had some high quality fabric, still on the roll, brand new - about 10 yards of it for $3 (for the entire roll, not per yard).
I cut a rectangle, finished the edges and sewed some straps. The husband and I hit Lowes and purchased some pvc pipe - light weight and inexpensive, tie down straps and stakes. We (he) made an upside down "U" that would come apart for easy travel. He also added some grommets to each corner to hook the straps to.
Turned out pretty good - huh?
When we disassembled it, we simply rolled up the fabric up on the top pole.
Too bad that we made this specifically for the dogs, yet they are NEVER (at least I hope never) going to the beach with us again. We had to be within sniffing distance to them. When we tried to get into the water, they barked. They barked at other people, other dogs and whined to get petted by the children they saw. On top of that, they woke us up at 6:00 every morning....just to go into the other room and fall back asleep. They don't get out much - for good reason!
This project was very inexpensive and easy to do. The majority of time was spent discussing the most effective and least expensive way to execute our plan.
If you are interested in the measurements, leave a comment or email and I would be happy to pass them along.
How is your summer going? I hope YOU don't have to get up at 6:00 each morning on YOUR vacation!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Our State Magazine - Coastal Issue May 2013
Our State Magazine contacted me a couple of months ago for an interview. The swing bridge, built in the mid 50s is the topic of discussion. It is being replaced in the next few years and Our State Magazine wrote an article about it.
Purchase a copy of the magazine, or view the article: Link
My interview is under the "Bridge Memories" section.
I would highly recommend a visit to Topsail Island. If you do, let me know and I may just invite you over for supper!
The Days of Hairawn Muhly
I am sure I have piqued your interest. This blog is usually about coupons, saving money, giveaways, and beach renovations, but today, it's about a book.
Every once in a while you come across an item that you pay full price for and it's worth every penny. For me, it is the book 'The Days of Hairawn Mulley'.
'The Days of Hairawn Muhly' is set in a different time - when things were simple. Belongings and technology did not rule our lives, but people valued and appreciated what they had. Taking care of family, helping out neighbors and hard work were at the top of the to-do list. Best of all, the book is written about a place that is near and dear to my heart, Surf City, NC.
I am fortunate enough to know the author, Carol Ann Ross. She has had a lot of adventures in her lifetime, but currently is an author, and an excellent one. She writes about her real-life adventures and real-life people.
If you want a fantastic read for the summer, please go to this link and purchase it from Amazon. If you are really nice to me (which you always are), I would be happy to get it signed by the author, Carol Ann Ross. Link: The Days of Hairawn Muhly
Also, check out her blog, Link
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The 2013 Beach Project - Back Yard - FINISHED Outdoor Shower
If you are lucky, there are moments in your life when you stop everything, forget everything and just be.....enjoy.....breath.....
This moment happened for me when the outdoor shower was finished and I enjoyed it for the first time.
Let's back up. This all started when we acquired the beach house. We realized that our family needed a place at the beach (to keep the Mama happy - ME). The opportunity came our way to seize the moment and move forward with that realization. Just in case you missed the remodeling of the beach house, here are the links: #1, #2, #3, and #4.
One of the first things that came to me as we assessed the task of remodeling was that we needed an outdoor shower. There is only one indoor bathroom and an outdoor shower is a must after a busy day on the beach. Plus - I have ALWAYS wanted an outdoor shower and our subdivision in Winston is not condusive to this.
Did I mention that the Husband can do anything?????
Pinterest came along at just the right time. I was able to pull some images to give the Husband an idea of how I wanted it to look. Other than hot water, looks are the most important thing!
We (the Husband on a rainy day) picked up some free treated wood from a person that had it listed on Craig's List and were able to save a lot of money. It was still very expensive to build, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon. It is VERY solid.
To view the post for the portion of the outdoor shower that we built in Winston and hauled to the beach, follow this Link.
Pause that thought.....we got to the beach late and it was already dark. When we woke up and looked outside, the view was breathtaking.
Azaleas were in bloom everywhere. The colors were stunning!
Back to the shower....
We dug the hole and filled it in with oyster shells to create a French drain. At the coast, oyster shells are used in the same manner as gravel - for example - to fill in holes in the driveway.
Next came the wall that the shower head is mounted to......
....then the side walls. Sorry for the dark photo, but it was getting late.
Now that everything is framed, we can start on the plumbing.
But not without supervision!!!
Grandma Edna, Mom and Aunt Sherri are visiting while we work. That's okay - they were also the breakfast and beverage providers and did an awesome job of helping clean up afterwards.
It's plumbing time. The all-important cold AND hot water is being connected.
The Husband also installed a spicket so that we can wash off our feet, the beach chairs, cars or whatever else needs water. He mounted it to a piece of metal that we found in the outdoor building. Use what you've got!
This moment happened for me when the outdoor shower was finished and I enjoyed it for the first time.
Let's back up. This all started when we acquired the beach house. We realized that our family needed a place at the beach (to keep the Mama happy - ME). The opportunity came our way to seize the moment and move forward with that realization. Just in case you missed the remodeling of the beach house, here are the links: #1, #2, #3, and #4.
One of the first things that came to me as we assessed the task of remodeling was that we needed an outdoor shower. There is only one indoor bathroom and an outdoor shower is a must after a busy day on the beach. Plus - I have ALWAYS wanted an outdoor shower and our subdivision in Winston is not condusive to this.
Did I mention that the Husband can do anything?????
Pinterest came along at just the right time. I was able to pull some images to give the Husband an idea of how I wanted it to look. Other than hot water, looks are the most important thing!
We (the Husband on a rainy day) picked up some free treated wood from a person that had it listed on Craig's List and were able to save a lot of money. It was still very expensive to build, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon. It is VERY solid.
To view the post for the portion of the outdoor shower that we built in Winston and hauled to the beach, follow this Link.
Pause that thought.....we got to the beach late and it was already dark. When we woke up and looked outside, the view was breathtaking.
Azaleas were in bloom everywhere. The colors were stunning!
Back to the shower....
We dug the hole and filled it in with oyster shells to create a French drain. At the coast, oyster shells are used in the same manner as gravel - for example - to fill in holes in the driveway.
Next came the wall that the shower head is mounted to......
....then the side walls. Sorry for the dark photo, but it was getting late.
Now that everything is framed, we can start on the plumbing.
But not without supervision!!!
Grandma Edna, Mom and Aunt Sherri are visiting while we work. That's okay - they were also the breakfast and beverage providers and did an awesome job of helping clean up afterwards.
It's plumbing time. The all-important cold AND hot water is being connected.
Mom and I drug this piece of board off of the beach last year after a hurricane. I love the combination of colors. We were able to use this as the board to mount the shower head to the outside of the outdoor shower. When you have an outdoor shower, why have only one shower head?
The Husband also installed a spicket so that we can wash off our feet, the beach chairs, cars or whatever else needs water. He mounted it to a piece of metal that we found in the outdoor building. Use what you've got!
Fortunately for us, Lowes at the beach did not have the same type of metal that we purchased in Winston for use on the side walls. Uncle Harold had these two pieces laying around and gladly gave them to us. If you need anything - Uncle Harold has it.
We had this metal bar laying around and used it for the door handle.
Finally - the finished product!
The shower is complete with the stool that I picked up from the side of the road during bulk pickup week - in my dress clothes, on the way to work.
There is a sense of pride that we have in being able to say we built this shower ourselves. We have the bruises and scrapes to prove it, but better than that, a HUGE sense of accomplishment.
One photo that I regret not taking is the view of the woods when the door is open. It it private, peaceful, serene and you can really loose time out there.
I will be the cleanest gal in the state!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Backyard Garden 2013....Pin There, Done That....Using what you've got.....
Can you tell that I struggled with naming this post? Is it about the garden, Pinterest or re-using? I will let you decide.
Pinterest...... I have a love/hate relationship with her, as most of you probably do as well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the fantastic food, projects, fashion and funnies that she has to provide. Why do I look at the food on Pinterest at night, when I am getting ready to go to sleep when it only makes me hungry!?!?!
The "love" portion emerges when I see a Pin that is appealing and I realize that I have the components to make the item or recipe.
Insert springtime......
I have been frequenting the "Garden" category lately and refreshing my memory with items that I previously pinned during the winter.
I am a mild hoarder.....if someone is giving something away (particularly a family member) and I envision a use for it, I gladly take it from them. I may not use it for a while, but I keep it. Also, I really like springtime - the flowers, grass, trees - yea - whatever - it's bulk pickup time! Where your neighbor's trash can be your treasure - for FREE!
Old windows have been used in so many crafts. I am fortunate enough to have two of them. I have had them so long, that I don't remember which family member I got them from so I can't give them credit.
I saw this fantastic idea on Pinterest to take the glass out of a window, attach legs to them and cover one side with screen. This way, you can grow lettuce under the screened window, in the shade, and cucumbers or squash on top of the windows that gets full sunlight.
I thought that I was going to have to nail the legs onto the sides of the window, but realized that these were originally swinging windows and still had the hinges attached. Treat it with a little bit of the husband's "grease in a can" and the hinges move perfectly. SCORE! My legs can now lay flat for storage!
I have planted the lettuce and will soon plant the cucumber or squash to run havoc on the top of the windows. Do you see the piece of decorative metal that cap the end of the raised bed? It's from an old sewing machine. We got it from a yard sale a few years back for about $5 for both pieces. The dogs like to run the fence and bark at the neighbors dogs, so this helps keep them out - along with yelling of course! I could go on and on about re-using what you've got, but I think you get the picture.
Do you see the piece of decorative metal that cap the end of the raised bed? It's from an old sewing machine. We got it from a yard sale a few years back for about $5 for both pieces. The dogs like to run the fence and bark at the neighbors dogs, so this helps keep them out - along with yelling of course! I could go on and on about re-using what you've got, but I think you get the picture.
Did I mention that I did the project all of this by myself AND while the Husband and I were building the pieces for the outdoor shower at the beach house? (see the "The 2013 Beach Project - Back Yard - Outdoor Shower" if you missed that post.)
Pinterest...... I have a love/hate relationship with her, as most of you probably do as well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the fantastic food, projects, fashion and funnies that she has to provide. Why do I look at the food on Pinterest at night, when I am getting ready to go to sleep when it only makes me hungry!?!?!
The "love" portion emerges when I see a Pin that is appealing and I realize that I have the components to make the item or recipe.
Insert springtime......
I have been frequenting the "Garden" category lately and refreshing my memory with items that I previously pinned during the winter.
I am a mild hoarder.....if someone is giving something away (particularly a family member) and I envision a use for it, I gladly take it from them. I may not use it for a while, but I keep it. Also, I really like springtime - the flowers, grass, trees - yea - whatever - it's bulk pickup time! Where your neighbor's trash can be your treasure - for FREE!
Old windows have been used in so many crafts. I am fortunate enough to have two of them. I have had them so long, that I don't remember which family member I got them from so I can't give them credit.
I saw this fantastic idea on Pinterest to take the glass out of a window, attach legs to them and cover one side with screen. This way, you can grow lettuce under the screened window, in the shade, and cucumbers or squash on top of the windows that gets full sunlight.
I thought that I was going to have to nail the legs onto the sides of the window, but realized that these were originally swinging windows and still had the hinges attached. Treat it with a little bit of the husband's "grease in a can" and the hinges move perfectly. SCORE! My legs can now lay flat for storage!
I have planted the lettuce and will soon plant the cucumber or squash to run havoc on the top of the windows. Do you see the piece of decorative metal that cap the end of the raised bed? It's from an old sewing machine. We got it from a yard sale a few years back for about $5 for both pieces. The dogs like to run the fence and bark at the neighbors dogs, so this helps keep them out - along with yelling of course! I could go on and on about re-using what you've got, but I think you get the picture.
Do you see the piece of decorative metal that cap the end of the raised bed? It's from an old sewing machine. We got it from a yard sale a few years back for about $5 for both pieces. The dogs like to run the fence and bark at the neighbors dogs, so this helps keep them out - along with yelling of course! I could go on and on about re-using what you've got, but I think you get the picture.
Did I mention that I did the project all of this by myself AND while the Husband and I were building the pieces for the outdoor shower at the beach house? (see the "The 2013 Beach Project - Back Yard - Outdoor Shower" if you missed that post.)
Monday, April 22, 2013
Upcoming Events at Harris Teeter and Lowes Foods
Friday, April 19, 2013
$3.00 off a $3.00 purchase from Food Lion?
You read correctly!!!
Food Lion is encouraging us to sign up for their Shopper's Companion program. Do you have a MVP Card? If so, all you have to do is sign up, and an email will be sent to you. Open the email and you can load the $3.00 directly to your Food Lion Card.
Are you already signed up for this program? No worries, you can still get the $3.00 e-coupon.
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