So.....our minister mentioned a new need in the community that has recently been discovered and sent me an email with the details (I will post details separately). Not wanting to waste ANY time and BARELY needing an excuse.....a great cereal deal appeared in my radar.
Target price matches. They have only been doing this since late summer and it has taken a while to catch on. You are required to bring in the original sales ad and there are a lot of rules (see link to Target's policy below). The sweetest thing is that Target has their own qs (IPs) that can be used in combination with mfg. qs. Combine all three and you've got some really good deals!!!
For example......Wags has their Kelloggs cereal on sale for $1.99 this week. There was a $1 mfg q. in 11/8's insert and there are IPs on the Kelloggs website. There is also a Target q (IP) for $1 off any 11.2 oz or larger Kelloggs cereal (exp. 11/17/09). You've got it!!! $-.01 for a box of cereal.
The Target q expired on 11/17, but I wanted to have more than one day to do the deal. On 11/16 I went in armed with sub-standard qs, having to use some .75 IPs instead of $1 ones. Anyway, I paid $1.46 for 4 boxes of cereal. Not fantastic, but that's okay (just this once).
A co-worker accompanied me to Target at lunchtime on the last day before the q expired. The limit on the Wags ad is 4, so I bought 4 and she bought 4 (for me, of course). We got to customer service and the associate was very nice. She price matched them all for me and I also purchased a pack of gum. (Don't be too hard on me - it was for my DD and no, I did not have a q for it :( ) Plus, I did not want to have a negative balance. I gave her my qs and she looks at them, pauses and said "I can't take $2 off a $1.99 item. I told her that she could price modify it and she just looked at me. Then I offered to take one of the Target qs back so, net, the amount would not be a negative. She liked that idea. I still got the pack of gum, so my total was $2.05. She forgot to give me my bag credit of $.05 darn-it!!!! Anyway, my friend's total was .96 (no gum)
Final Total for 12 boxes of cereal......
Retail value - non sale and no qs: $33.96....That's 10% of retail.
Not fantastic and not a MM, but gosh darn it - still a good deal. I know the "newly-discovered" needy group will enjoy it!
Here is the link to the Target's Price Match policy:
1 hour ago
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